第 179 集:分析师关系完整指南,与 Drew Tambling

已发表: 2022-02-15

我们带着我们持续的现代营销计划系列回来了。 今天,一切都与分析师关系有关,这是您营销计划中至关重要但经常被忽视的一部分。 Sprinklr 分析师和影响者关系总监 Drew Tambling 详细介绍了它为何如此重要、如何开始,并解释了为什么您可能应该增加对分析师关系的投资。

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你听到了吗? 哦? 哦? 是的。 是的。 现在去直播吧。 好吧,所以你挖掘音乐槽? 有点像,

我有一份清单。 它的 …

……令人兴奋。 就像,你知道的,那是女武神的飞行。


不,不,不是那么多; 它更像是,你知道的,现在启示录。 无论如何,一如既往地欢迎来到统一 CXM 体验。 我是您的主持人 Grad Conn、CXO 或 Sprinklr 的首席体验官,今天我有一位非常特别的客人 Drew Tamblyn。 Drew 是 Sprinklr 的影响者和分析师关系总监。 当我们深入研究如何编写营销计划,特别是零关键时刻阶段时,我们将专注于他角色的分析师关系部分。 所以德鲁,欢迎来到这个节目,我将给你一个快速的介绍,有点掩盖你的背景。 我要为大家介绍一下我们在这个系列中的位置,因为这是一个正在进行的关于如何编写营销计划的系列。 然后我会来找你,让你填写我错过的背景部分,然后我们会深入研究这个。 听起来好吗?

是的,听起来不错。 谢谢。 谢谢你邀请我,Grad。

好的。 和往常一样,我们以前的音响工程师兰迪在船上,随时待命,兰迪,你呢? 你在船上吗?




你在后台兴奋吗? 好的。 我有点紧张,其实。 是的,有点吓人。 是的,他长得太帅了。 那就是问题所在。

你知道吗? 我不知道那是什么。 我明白了很多。

是的,不,你真的很好看。 所以我认为这只会让人感到害怕,他们希望你喜欢他们,对吧?


你知道,这可能只会让事情变得更糟。 无论如何,所以德鲁现在和我一起工作了三年半,也许是四年,我想也许是四年了。 对。 我们越来越近了。


是的。 我想,就像 2018 年 4 月一样。 所以德鲁在 Gartner 工作。 Gartner 是我们今天要讨论的分析公司之一,还有 Forrester 和 Constellation 以及许多其他公司。 德鲁在那里。 他在新加坡。 而且我不是 100% 肯定,确切地说。 德鲁,你也许可以填写这个,因为它现在对我来说有点迷失在时间的迷雾中。 但不知何故,我们在新加坡遇到了德鲁,并设法让他搬到了俄勒冈州的波特兰。 他现在搬到了劳德代尔堡。 所以他一直在慢慢地向东移动。 他和我实际上住得很近,因为我在德拉海滩,而他在劳德代尔堡。 你可能会说,“嘿,Grad,你和 Drew 可能经常出去玩,对吧?” 我想,“是的,你会这么认为”。 所以让我先谈谈我们在哪里。 因此,我们正在讨论如何制定营销计划。 所以我在这个系列的第一集中介绍的概念是,我会看三个阶段。 这是关于编写营销计划的一种不同的思考方式。 但是想想你在零关键时刻在做什么,你在第一关键时刻在做什么,以及你在第二关键时刻在做什么,我们已经涵盖了所有这三个关键时刻概览表格。 现在,我们正在与一些特别嘉宾和其他一些讨论深入探讨这些支柱中的每一个,以了解如何思考这些支柱。 所以我们实际上几天前与马歇尔·柯克帕特里克(Marshall Kirkpatrick)讨论了零关键时刻,并花了相当多的时间来思考如何思考影响者。 马歇尔在为我们解包方面做得非常好。 那是一次非常棒的采访。 当然,营销副总裁 Marshall 也在 Sprinklr。 所以今天,我们将解开零关键时刻的分析师关系组件。 请记住,零关键时刻是人们研究您公司的阶段。 在 B2B 中,这可能是最重要的阶段,因为大多数第一次访问您网站的买家已经决定购买您的产品。 因此,零关键时刻在 B2B 中至关重要,但在 B2C 中,人们越来越多地根据他人的话做出决定。 正是其他人的话推动了整个互联网购买行为的变化。 所以这就是为什么我认为公司仍然倾向于思考,我在说我自己什么,而不是更清楚地思考他们如何影响别人说出他们想要的关于他们的话,所以他们得到了那种流量和他们需要的业务? 所以,德鲁,让我们首先对零关键时刻的东西做出一点反应。 告诉我你是否觉得这是在船上,不在船上,或者从分析师的角度来看可能会增加一些观点。 提醒我我们是如何找到你的。 然后让我们深入研究这个话题。

我喜欢这个术语,零关键时刻。 它让我想到了很多事情。 特别是,在 B2B 周期中,您总是在考虑漏斗以及事情落在漏斗中的位置。 在分析师关系中,这通常是一场艰难的对话,因为我们看到分析师资产在管道旅程的不同阶段使自己变得有价值,而且不一定只是在那个零关键时刻,但它可能在那个零时刻。 所以 …

让我们在那里停留一秒钟。 是的,你提出了一些我以前没有想到的东西。 我们在节目中讨论了很多关于买家支持的问题,我不确定我是否正确地将其解析到模型中。 我已经强调,我注意到有这样一个阶段,有点像半个阶段,在某个地方关于买家支持。 但我认为你是对的,发生的情况是,很多时候,这些分析师生产的资产被内部人员用来向他们的同行推销“这是一个很好的决定”,对,就像,你知道的,不是我说它是 Sprinklr 最好的。 Gartner 说 Sprinklr 是最好的。 所以,你知道,如果它不成功,那不是我的错。 我会选择分析师所说的最好的。 对? 当然,它总是适用于 Sprinklr,但它就像,只是,你知道,你必须有点像我认为这增加了第三方的认可,让人们对决定感到舒服,并推动他们自己的同龄人在某种程度上与他们对齐。 您如何看待正常工作? 你怎么看人们要求它? 您如何看待人们在内部使用材料?

我认为它比这更深入。 它比这更人性化。 所以在很多情况下,是的,听着,在很多情况下……我们是在谈论 Sprinklr 还是在谈论 B2B 技术销售?


好的,让我们像整体一样谈论它。 大多数企业,当有人在很长一段时间内提出商业案例来投资像 Sprinklr 或其他技术这样的技术时,他们通常会花费七位数,数百万美元来实施这样的技术,希望它是去做他们期望它做的事情。 有些人将他们的职业生涯与该计划的成功联系在一起。 这是一个危险的提议。 因此,在分析师关系中,您已经竭尽全力在业务中实施、执行和运行的技术得到第三方分析师公司的验证变得越来越重要,因为这成为了真相。 是的,它说我们已经启用了这项技术并承担了这些风险,因为这些技术已经过世界上最好的分析公司的验证。 年复一年,如果您能够保持这些领导地位并得到第三方分析公司的认可,那么从 Sprinklr 的角度来看,保留该业务将变得无比简单。 一旦我们开始滑落象限,续订就会变得有风险。 所以我们在谈论,是这个零时刻,还是有多个时刻,当然,这是人们第一次发现我们的零时刻。 但是对于那些将职业生涯的成功与特定技术的实施联系在一起的人来说,他们需要我们不断得到分析公司的验证。
你知道,我在微软的职业生涯开始时,我在医疗保健领域,有一家医疗保健公司,它是一家名为 Klas (k.l.a.s) 的分析公司,我认为这是创始人的首字母和Klas 位于中西部的某个地方,他们控制并拥有整个医疗保健 IT 市场。 你基本上是根据你的班级等级来生死的,而且我认为每季度都会出来。 我的上帝,我们想倒在这些东西上。 这就像,被千刀万剐或胜利的欢呼声而死。 有这么多骑在上面。 如果你的等级很差,你真的不能卖掉你的软件,就像你死在水里一样。 如果它滑倒了,就你而言,它会产生很多问题。 我们会接到 CIO 的电话,说:“发生了什么事? 我的董事会关注这个,我的董事会关注我汇总的堆栈的班级评级,如果它不是最好的,我会因此受到批评。 你必须解决这个问题”。 这很有趣。

是的,你甚至没有进入候选名单。 顺便说一句,那个公司阶层一直非常非常忙于自 COVID 以来出现的技术的出现。 以及对远程医疗医患技术和虚拟事物技术的要求。 他们一直在爆发。 但 …

那我们是怎么找到你的? 在我们进入其余部分之前,让我们快速讨论一下,因为我们将深入分析分析师的内容,但我们就像,你在新加坡,不知何故 Sprinklr ......。 就像发生了什么?

自从 COVID 开始以来,我已经成为了一点数字游牧民族。 现在我在太平洋西北部。 很快我就会回到佛罗里达,我们可以聚在一起进行一次小型游船之旅或类似的活动。 我们可以做一些有趣的事情。 但你可以在 Drew Tamblyn 的 LinkedIn 上找到我。 你也可以在 Twitter 和 Instagram @drewtambs 上找到我。

但是新加坡呢? 我是怎么在新加坡找到你的?

你没有。 你们以前的 PMK 领导人 Paul Michaud 先生,他在新加坡找到了我。 当它真正发生时,它是如此疯狂。 这是我职业生涯中一段有趣的时光。 我在 Gartner 工作了八年。 大部分时间都在帮助供应链管理技术公司提高他们与分析师关系的能力,无论这意味着提高他们在波浪和魔力象限中的表现能力,还是实际做许多其他事情。 但那个时候,我已经做了七八年了。 我当时想,你知道,我想利用这次经历,开始学习新东西。 我在供应链管理技术领域工作了七年,我想,我想学习一个新市场。 所以我开始把触角放在那里。 保罗和我建立了联系。 它只是觉得它很有意义。 这很有趣,因为当时我在想,我想去一家大型科技公司,因为我多年来一直在与 Oracle 和 SAPS 和 AWS 等公司合作。 我当时想,那种地方对我来说很有意义。 在与 Paul 进行一两次对话后,我想,这 Sprinklr 的东西听起来非常棒。 你知道,它有什么很酷的地方吗? 对我来说,我一直在这个后台技术架构以及业务领导者和后台技术的心态上度过。 这是非常节省成本的驱动。 就像我可以从这块石头中挤出多少血,才能让我们的业务更有利可图。 但随后与 Sprinklr 进行了一两次对话,我就觉得,这是一种完全不同的心态。 这就是我如何使用技术来实现收入增长。 它更像是这种被增长驱动、有抱负和饥饿的心态。 这是一个更令人兴奋的空间,因为它有点像这个未知的领域。 就像,你可以随心所欲地走多远,而不是这种心态,我怎么能多挤一点,从这件事上节省一点成本呢?

我得告诉你; 我很高兴你加入我们。 你已经做出了如此不可思议的改变。 我不知道保罗是怎么找到你的。 但对保罗表示敬意。 米肖就像,太棒了。 这是一个多么棒的故事。 你说得对,我想我是在工作的前几周认识你的。 我想我就像签署了将你从新加坡转移到波特兰的协议。

是的,我来到了纽约。 让我们谈谈这个。 这很有趣。 因为你的背景与 Sprinklr 有很大不同,我的意思是,在微软和你之前的一些其他角色。 但是就像,你并没有真正做很多分析师关系的事情。 这是我们进行的第一次对话,就像,“嘿,Grad,所以我们必须进行对话,因为我对营销一无所知,但我对分析师的东西了解很多。 我的整个职业生涯都在这样做”。 我记得那时,你告诉我一些我永远不会忘记的事情。 你说,这是我们第一次见面,我们正走在街上。 你说,“德鲁,你现在要学习的任何营销知识,到你学习它的时候都将变得无关紧要。 但如果你能把你在职业生涯中学习的分析师的东西应用到这里,然后你带着饥饿而来,我认为你说的是​​能量和其他一些东西,你会做得很好” . 所以我记得那个时候,你没有太多的经验。 所以你和我一起学习,我教你喜欢,这就是它的完成方式。 这就是它的完成方式。 还有你和我一起做的前几次分析师简报和一些事情,不是很好。 但我们已经变得非常紧张。 我们现在有一个流程,我们已经而且我们真的非常非常专注于一些有效的东西。 我们正在取得成果。 我的意思是,就在上周,我们在第一份分析师报告中被提及为 C 演员供应商。 那是因为我们所做的工作。

棒极了。 谁提到了我们?

这是一个名为 No Jitter 的分析师社区论坛。

哦耶。 我把它寄给了LT。 是的。 大概是这样读的。 是的,我们已经工作了很长时间才到达那里。 是的,这很酷。

被公认为一个新进入市场的人,很多分析师都觉得我们不属于附近的任何地方。 因此,心态正在发生变化,而这只有通过有针对性的战略分析师参与才能发生。

好吧,让我们弄清楚我们现在要和谁交谈。 所以让我们把这个框架化,因为我是一家科技初创公司,不管空间是什么,对吧? 我是一家科技初创公司,我在一个空间里。 一个正在增长的空间,因为你知道,如果它是空间(不是),我可能不会做这家初创公司。 我们不是在点对点软件中,让我们这么说吧。 好的,所以我们就像,你知道的,21世纪。 假设我处于那种产品市场契合阶段,这通常是当我在早期阶段咨询并与许多初创公司建立联系时,他们的收入大约为 25 到 5000 万,很明显,他们有一些事情发生了,他们可能有一两个客户,可能是数百万美元的客户,这就像我在 Sprinklr 回到 2018 年那样,为了勇气和概念证明,现在,那种工作,他们有一些顾客,男孩,如果我能得到一百个,我真的会吸烟,而且他们正在迅速增长。 但他们并没有真正考虑分析师关系,对吧? 那不是他们的心态,然后也许有些东西会出现在他们的类别中。 而且,他们在这种挑战者象限中,突然之间,他们甚至不喜欢没有人出来。 所以他们只是开始听到他们董事会的消息,你必须开始担心这个。 所以框架,如果你在与那个企业家会面,你可能会与 CEO 会面,因为他们可能甚至还没有到位的 CMO。 所以你正在和 CEO 会面,你正在和他们聊天,如何思考,你将如何指导他们如何思考分析师关系? 如何开始,他们需要雇佣什么样的人来实现这一目标? 以及他们应该如何支出的投资曲线会是什么样子?

是的,是的,它一直在发生。 而且你可以肯定,如果出现了一个类别,并且有任何吸引力,分析公司将涵盖它。 他们将为该类别引入一项评估性研究。 它发生在去年,当 COVID 来袭时,每个人的会议都被取消了,所有这些事情。 每个人都需要转移到大型行业会议的虚拟环境中,对。 所以一个完整的技术类别,我只是举个例子,对,一个完整的技术类别出现了。 已经有一些公司在那里做事,然后 COVID 来袭,他们就像,“哦,天哪,大家,我们受到了如此多的关注。 我们甚至没有真正管理它的员工,尤其是即将到来的需求”。 当然,分析师也会关注这些东西。 他们会说,“嘿,有一个新兴的技术类别,我们需要涵盖它”。 然后突然之间繁荣起来,这些我们有点像紧紧抓住生命的无名技术公司处于一个由于 COVID 发生而从未存在过的类别的前沿和中心。 那实际上是一件真实的事情。 那是一个称为虚拟事件管理软件的技术类别。 它由 Forrester 的 Laura Ramos 领导。 所以她认为这个类别超出了她作为分析师的传统报道范围,但它确实发生了。 因此,对于那些发现自己处于这种情况的公司,我的建议是,首先,向分析师简要介绍不需要任何费用。 对。 所以你可以开始你之前问过我,比如,我们在 Sprinklr 是一个完全不同的动物,我们有五个产品套件,我们有,你知道,分析师关系计划的多年发展,并且正在做很多不同的东西。 但要开始,它并不需要太多或任何金钱。 因此,从头开始建立这些关系,可以从简报设置开始,您可以通过正式的 Gartner 和 Forrester 渠道正式请求做一些介绍性简报,以便分析师知道您是谁,您为表,了解一下您的执行领导团队。 然后我们可以从那里开始建立关系。 我不认为这是一个非常可持续的模式很长时间,您可能需要进行初始投资才能开始建立更多正式的关系,使您能够进行临时的对话,并且比仅仅通过免费的更频繁地进行对话简报渠道,这是一个非常有限的渠道。

是的,所以让我们停在那里一秒钟。 好的,我听到了,但我想稍微双击一下,​​因为面临的挑战之一,尤其是初创企业家,一旦他们听说你可以免费做这件事,他们就会立即认为他们总能做到免费,而且他们默认会很快免费。 当我担任某种咨询职务时,我喜欢说的是,我会说在 25 到 3500 万之间,您的营销预算中最大的项目应该是分析师关系。


让我们谈谈里面有什么。 所以,我的意思是,我只是在总体水平上滑冰,因为我基本上就是这样,这是我从你那里学到的东西。 所以你是绝对正确的。 我们会看到我是一个多么优秀的学生。 但是a),您确实需要真正为团队配备人员,您至少需要像您这样的人。 理想情况下,该部门的一两个支持人员,就像我们现在一样。 而且您将需要减少工程时间。 和其他人,你知道,SC 时间确保人们能够以智能和简单的方式演示和谈论产品。 所以这就是钱,你必须为此投入资源。 第二件事是他们做的报告和分析师研究,更容易引起分析师的注意,我不是这个意思,这不是付费游戏。 我想我在这里必须非常小心,但玩游戏是不值得的。 这不像是,“哦,如果我与 Forrester 一起工作,那么事情对我来说会变得更好”。 不,不,他们仍然会根据你的优点合法地分析你。 但是你越接近它们,你对它们做的工作越多,你就越容易理解它们。 您将了解他们在寻找什么,因为他们所寻找的正是他们的客户所要求的。 因此,我认为,通过更紧密的合作来建立客户亲密关系是一种有趣的方式。 然后第三件事是,就像你如何从分析师关系中得到什么,然后在营销计划中利用它,比如你如何在 LinkedIn 上谈论它? 您如何让您的员工围绕它进行员工宣传? 你如何做程序化展示广告和所有这些东西? 有很多规则。 但是,尽管这些感觉像是三大桶,但我错过了什么? 然后也许我们可以深入研究这些桶并帮助每个人了解他们如何进行这些投资并做出这些投资决策?

是的,你很接近。 等等,我们有

八九不离十。 你说什么,B+?

你说三类。 实际上,我今天运行的 AR 程序有四个核心组件。


所以我刚才谈到的简报和询问,这就是我们的积极参与。 所以你甚至可以从支出桶的角度来考虑这些。 所以你有积极的参与。 这就是我们为让分析师了解我们的产品、服务、计划、创新、产品路线图和对业务的投资所做的所有事情。 评价性研究完全是另一回事。 现在,那是波浪和魔力象限,或者我们正在参与的其他二级或三级行业评估,这些需要花费大量时间,而这更多的是您所说的资本资源分配,例如, “嘿,我们的 CEO 需要 20 小时的时间来完成这个魔力象限,对吧。 这是一笔可观的钱,参与豁免可能不需要任何费用,魔力象限,但是您在业务资源方面投资的资本,从产品到您的执行领导团队,产品营销,当然,您的分析师关系资源,参与波浪或魔力象限的成本很高,在不知道自己在做什么的情况下进行波浪或魔力象限的成本可能更高。 但尽管如此,成本仍然很高。 然后我的第三个桶是委托研究。 所以这不是免费的东西。 委托研究不是免费的,好吧。 所以这是你需要深思熟虑的事情。 但您正在与 Forrester 或 Gartner 或其他分析公司合作,创建思想领导力、投资回报率分析或基准测试练习,以使用第三方、公正的 Forrester Gartner 徽标验证您的市场地位。 这是一个非常大的问题,因为这对您的营销引擎来说是一个巨大的潜在客户生成机会。 最后一个桶是我们的付费活动。 这与委托研究略有不同,因为这是有偿参与。 我的想法是,它与网络研讨会、演讲机会和机会,在一个闭门的环境中,在你的空间内与你的执行领导团队或产品管理团队会面交谈关于竞争情报,并弄清楚如何在分析师的影响力方面扭转局面。

是的,而且我认为,我有时会看到人们,可能会稍微转动他们的眼睛,就像眨眼然后走,“哦,是的,就像,你知道,如果我们付钱给他们,那么他们就是会给我们一个很好的评价”。 而我,我真的试图很快地消除人们的这种观念,因为它非常愤世嫉俗和不准确。 但是会发生什么,让我们稍微谈谈这个,我已经看到了一个良性循环的发生。 我见过你领导这件事。 所以我,再次,有点,我是这里的学生,我看到你带领这个良性循环,即使他们喜欢在我们的活动上发言,你知道,我们会为此付出代价。 与分析师的持续亲密关系使我们变得更聪明,而不仅仅是如何与他们交谈,我认为这部分是正确的。 但更重要的是,我认为我们应该如何发展我们的产品开发,我们应该如何考虑谈论我们的产品,以及我们应该如何向潜在客户推销我们的产品。 仅仅因为您处于与客户查询非常接近的人的生态系统中,因为我认为人们错过的是分析师一直收到来自公司的查询说,“嘿,我正在寻找 C 演员供应商,你会推荐谁?” 然后他们会问一堆问题。 所有这些来回告诉他们,我们很难获得这种洞察力。 所以和我谈一谈人们有时玩玩世不恭的报酬。 然后和我谈谈你将如何重塑这种心态,让人们以适当的语调思考它。 然后让我们谈谈数字。 我有,比如说 3500 万,我可能会在营销上花费 8 到 1000 万。 你会花多少钱在分析师关系上? 所以让我们把它分解一下。

是的,所以当我与某人交谈时,我在每次谈话中都会提到玩东西的报酬,而事实是,Grad,你可以拉动一些杠杆,也有你可以拉动的杠杆不要拉扯,就像在某些付费活动中会产生影响一样。 但是在大而重的东西中,并没有很多。 所以我还要从分析师的角度提到这一点,如果你是 Gartner、Forrester 的分析师,我去过那里,对,你可能不知道你是多少 Sprinklr 或任何其他供应商与您的公司交谈,如果有的话。 你只是不知道; 您无权访问该信息。 因此,如果您是一名分析师,您坐在那里,您无法访问 CRM,它会告诉您,“哦,Sprinklr,我们必须更加关注他们,因为他们花了这么多钱”,或者“哦,嘿,Sprinklr,我们只会给他们一点空中服务,因为他们在我们身上花的钱不够多。” 那是不存在的。 分析师不知道你在他们身上花了多少钱。 他们不知道。 但是有一些你可以拉动的杠杆确实会产生影响。 这不是因为它附带的钱。 这是因为活动是因为参与。 这是因为有机会在某人之间建立关系和情感并获得思想共享。 我总是告诉人们这个; 当您开始与新分析师合作时,我希望您最关注的是找到共同点,您在哪些方面达成共识,就您达成共识的事情进行基线对话,建立融洽关系,以及然后,只有到那时,我们才能开始介绍一些对话,这些对话挑战我们对事物的不同看法。

我认为我们的创始人 Raji 做得很好的一件事是,在过去的一年到两年里,他一直在坚持阅读,这在一定程度上取决于分析师的出版速度。 但他会阅读我们即将会见的分析师撰写的十、十五份报告,他的脑子里会有这些,他会知道他们的观点是什么。 实际上你会在会议上看到 Raji,提到他们在之前的研究中所做的评论,或者说,“我们同意这一点,这与我们的观点一致”。 或者他会说,“你说它是,你知道,x,而我们实际上认为它是 y。 这就是为什么我们的观点与你们不同的原因”。 但他总是很清楚地表明,我认为那里正在发生两件事。 一个是对分析师的尊重的一个很好的标志,你已经足够关心阅读他们的工作,他们显然花了很多时间,对他们来说很重要。 第二,你正在进入他们的头脑,以便你以一种他们可以理解你来自哪里的方式与他们交谈,他们可以正确地陷害你。 Raji 在这种做法上非常铁杆。 现在你已经把它带入了整个团队的普遍做法,你提前分发了所有东西,你做得很好,确保每个人都得到了某种指导,并与所有正确的材料建立了联系。 但是让我们稍微谈谈,比如了解你将要与之合作的分析师并花时间阅读这些东西,我也认为这对公司来说也是一个良性循环。

完全。 我参与了与分析师的一百万次对话,因为存在分歧而产生了如此多的摩擦。 而且它从来都不顺利。 从来都不顺利。 从长远来看,它会伤害你。 但是,当我们创建这些付费参与的途径时,比如说我们正在做一个佣金思想领导文章,或者我们正在做一个投资回报率分析或其他东西,我已经为像你这样的人创建了一个平台或者像我们的首席执行官拉吉这样的人在很长一段时间内进行一对一的接触,以帮助分析师完成我们已经赞助的出版物的终点线。 但是当那件事出来时,我们就有了思想共享。 我们已经就一个假设达成一致,一起出去证明它,然后一起发表。 这是一件不容易改变的事情。 通过这种参与行为,我们不仅向我们关心的分析师证明了我们价值主张的普遍真理的假设。 但是,如果您对分析师和分析师在各自角色中的 KPId 没有很好的理解,那么您就没有真正好的基线来了解哪些杠杆是好的杠杆,哪些杠杆不是好的杠杆拉。

因此,分析师就像我们在公司工作的任何人一样,他们有绩效 KPI​​,对吧。 而且我不认为这是太多的秘密调味料。 But some of these engagements that we tend to leverage that we will pull at our paid engagements are going to help our analysts that we care about be more successful in their roles than other ones that we could pull that don't really impact their performance at all.

Interesting, I'd not thought of it that way before. 我喜欢。 That's good framing.

Drew Tambling
So yeah, and there was one thing too. That the same thing goes for your support team, too. So if you're working with Forrester, Gartner, you've got your analyst community, but you also have a whole host of other people that you work with; they're project managers, they're account managers, they're research coordinators, and you want to enable all of these people that support your organization. Here at Sprinklr we've got a dozen people at Forrester, a dozen people at Gartner that support our contract or support our account with them. And it's my job to make sure that every one of those people on the journey, to my best ability, are being successful in their roles, because they're going to be that much more able, willing, and, you know, hungry to help us in the future when we need it. Let's say Grad needs to talk to an analyst yesterday. And I need to make that happen. Typically, through normal channels, it might take a couple of weeks for that to happen. But you might have a meeting with the board this week. And you need to get some information, or you need to get a sounding board. And probably make that happen. If we're enabling our account teams to be successful, too.

That's awesome insight. 我喜欢那个。 So let's talk about budgeting. So you know, I'm spending eight to ten million bucks on my marketing budget right now, I'm not spending any money on analyst relations, haven't really thought about it. You know, here's Grad and Drew like pounding the table and saying, “Hey, this is really important. You got to do this”. The CEO, I'm thinking wow, what do I carve out for this? How would you think about that?

Drew Tambling
Well, as a baseline, you need entitlement to their research services, which will also give you access to analysts, and it's usually unmetered. So you can talk to the analysts as much as you'd like to. For a firm like Gartner or Forrester just an entry level access and entitlement to Research and Engagement Services is going to cost you between 50 and 100 grand. So I would set aside, just to get a relationship started, a couple hundred bones, and that should get you going. But then we can talk about like taking it to the next levels. Like when you're at a point where like Sprinklr is, we're a public company now, are you allowed to talk about revenue about Sprinklr on this thing? 要不然是啥?

No, we don't do that. Well, we would only share, I guess we can, we would only share what we've shared publicly. I don't talk about Sprinklr a ton on the show. I talk about unified CXM mostly, so we could say that in the last earnings call our CFO did reveal that we have a half a billion-dollar run rate. I think that's where you were going, right?

Drew Tambling
Yeah, that's where I …

That's public information. So anything that's public we can talk about and that was right on the earnings call. So yeah, we're at a pretty decent scale. 对。 We're 10x versus this theoretical company that I'm talking about.

Drew Tambling
Don't quote me, but I think it's right in the ballpark – 10% of our marketing budget.

真的吗? 哇。 好的。 Well, we can't talk about what our marketing budget is. So we're going back to our eight to ten million marketing budget. See, I'm taking us to the Series C Company because I want to keep it really far away from Sprinklr. See what I'm doing here? And so in the so Series C, so I'm spending eight to ten million bucks, you'd be saying you should be spending 800 to a million bucks on your Analyst Program, which does sound right to me: things like an analyst event. Let's talk about that. That really hasn't come up yet.

Drew Tambling
That's a totally different poll. You might need to double the budget just to do a successful analyst event.

好的。 好的。 So what would an analyst event look like? And why would you do it?

Drew Tambling
They're lavish and a lot of the competitors in our market in particular, like especially C cast market and other front office marketing technologies. They put together some serious analyst events.

You were telling me about one … don't use any names. So don't use any competitor names here. But you were telling me about one that I think involved helicopters because I felt like this is just to give people an example and this is not a crazy big company. And this is not a crazy over the top analyst event, but just to give people a taste of what's going on out there.

Drew Tambling
You remember the example? I would think that they are over a billion in revenue.

I'm pretty sure getting close to that.

Drew Tambling
Yeah, yeah, something in that ballpark. Okay, so they did the whole Yellowstone like experience? Do you watch Yellowstone yet? 不? Oh my god, you got to watch it.

No, everyone tells me you have to watch. I'm still working my way through the new Sex in the City. And I'm re-watching Billy in Season Three, so I can watch Season Four and understand it. My plate's full right now.

Drew Tambling
You're going to lose the month of your life in Yellowstone, and you're …

I'm almost afraid to watch Yellowstone. So many people have told me how much I'm going to love it, I'm afraid to actually watch it. So I know, I'm just going to, like, disappear for a while. And you know, they'll be sending like search dogs for me and stuff like that.

Drew Tambling
This company, which also is kind of one of our competitors. And I keep an eye on this stuff. Because, you know, it's a very similar pool of analysts, right. So they flew everybody into either Helena or Billings, Montana. And from there had each person picked up in a helicopter, flown into a private ranch in Montana, where they had an analyst summit over the course of several days. And they did, of course, all of the stuff that you do in an analyst Summit, where you're doing product information, you're doing a CEO address, you might invite a guest speaker, you're doing product demonstrations, you're doing all of the stuff that needs to get done. But in addition to that they did a gun range thing that happened, there was horseback riding that happened, of course, the sightseeing tour around the Teton mountains with helicopter rides. These things get pricey and there's no ceiling to it.

So how many analysts do you think they would have invited and how much do you think they spent on that event?

Drew Tambling
I think they invited between 20 and 30 analysts and influencers. I think that they spent seven figures on that event.

Like more than a million dollars. 哇。 But that's a smart company, that's a company that knows about the zero moment of truth, it understands that this is where the buying journey starts. And if they get it wrong at that stage, you can't really turn it around with a bunch of programmatic display ads, you've got to, you've got to get it right.

Drew Tambling
That's a market where a technology company like that is getting 75 to 80% of their leads straight through analyst relations. I mean, that's their whole game.

对。 You may look at your marketing plan as primarily an analyst relation plan.

Drew Tambling
That's a category where a major (and a couple actually) major analyst evaluations magic quadrants or wave have existed for that category for 20 years. And if you're not a leader in that space, then you aren't on a shortlist. Nobody's considering buying unless you're a leader in that space. And the leaders in that space have maintained their leadership for over a decade.

People are probably dying to know who we're talking about; we're not going to tell you … unless you pay us a lot.

Drew Tambling
They also say this, Grad. it's pretty common for analysts, for firms like a Gartner, they report that as much as 50% of category revenue is owned by the leaders of that market. So if you're a leader in a Magic Quadrant, 50% of the market category, of course, Gartners and Forresters, they create their own market category. So do with that what you will, but 50% and typically, on average, there's usually three or four leaders in every evaluation.

这听起来很对。 是的。 三家公司。 50%。 是的。 听起来差不多。 是的。 好的。 So you had mentioned in our sort of pre-briefing that sometimes there are unintended consequences so talk to me a little bit about that. I can't wait to hear this.

Drew Tambling
So I've had a really cool journey here. So it's been four years, and I was the first of my kind, there was no analyst relations department before I came. And one of the coolest things and the most proud things that that I encounter on a daily basis is when you're in a company like Sprinklr that's gone through an IPO and grown so fast. I mean, we were grabbing over 1000 people when you and I joined, and we're what are we now?

I don't think we're public with that number. But many, many,

Drew Tambling
So it's, it's many x's, many x's. People every day, hit me up on Slack and send me emails and stuff internally. When, for example, my newsletter publishes, I'll get emails from people. And they tell me that Sprinklr's recognition as a leader in various categories that we participate in, MIT waves and Magic Quadrant specifically, was a determining factor in them joining Sprinklr. So recruiting, it's a huge recruiting tool.

That must feel great. Look at the thousands of lives that you've influenced. By the way, for the audience, you publish a wonderful newsletter. We're actually working on a newsletter right now. And we're using your template as our base template. And it's called Analyze This, which I thought was super-duper fun. Nice template though, all done through Sprinklr, too, all powered by Sprinklr. A beautiful job on that so I really love your ….

Drew Tambling
When you go when you use your template, make sure you run it through the brand team because I got …

查看。 是的,我知道。 I always talk to Jan, but I loved what you did. Nice, nice piece of work and well-written with lots of punchy like, What? 为什么? What am I learning? It was really well done in terms of value.

Drew Tambling
Credit to Karen Orether, our analyst relations manager on my team.

她真棒。 Thank you, Karen. Great work, great work, it's really a great piece of work. Okay, so keep going – unintended consequences,

Drew Tambling
招聘。 So number one is recruiting, and number two was, I never expected this to happen. But one of the biggest bright spots of my career so far here at Sprinklr was going through an IPO. Nobody ever tells you that this is going to happen. But there's a huge roadshow. Grad, you were probably in the room for all this stuff. And you're going around to all of the different investment institutions that are going to help you get to a financial milestone like that. Slide number two in that deck is all of the analyst relations trophies that you've collected over the years. And it's the industry's way of validating the strength of your technology and the viability of your market.

So I thought when you said the highlight of your career, just for a second, I thought you were going to say working with me, but I, I guess I'll still go focus. I'll focus more; 我会努力做得更好。

Drew Tambling
I've learned more from you than anybody I have in my career. Well, I'll give you that insight. 不论结果好坏。

You don't have to say that. Oh, for better or for worse. Oh, good and bad, right? 是的。 Mostly, I've learned what not to do. I actually said that to my dad once. He was like, “Yeah, what lessons have you learned from me?” I said, “Oh, a lot of things about what not to do”. I don't think he appreciated that very much. But you know, it was true. Alright, so this has been great. So I'm, I'm feeling like, if I'm talking to this CEO of our theoretical Series C Company, I think he's thinking, wow, I'm really not investing what I should be investing here. And I'm not thinking about this in as holistic and sort of deep way as I need to. So let's coach this person up a little bit because it's also a little overwhelming, like, where do I get started? And how do I find a Drew? And I mean, we had to go to Singapore to find you. It's, you know, halfway around the world to find you. You know, people like yourself are not just falling out of the trees. So what do I do next? And how do I get going? And is there a way for me to scale this with a vendor model? Or how do I get rolling more rapidly while I wait to find like my perfect analyst relations person?

Drew Tambling
So first, the first things Forbes published an article this past week, the top 15 jobs in demand in 2023, and number 10 was analyst relations. Number 10. This is the Forbes article. People are recognizing how important this is, in terms of really scaling businesses, especially in B2B technology. I would say this, I would say if you're a Series C, and you haven't gotten your foot wet with analyst relations yet, first of all, you need to do a little bit of analysis in terms of what's the scope of analyst coverage for your market, if you're a Sprinklr, and you've got several product suites that have (we track 60 to 70 analysts across five different markets) and it's a very, very complex ecosystem of analysts, right. So you need to have some serious resources behind a program that's going to be successful for a company like ours, and technologies like ours, but in a lot of markets, like you might be a technology that's in, you know, like identity verification, or proofing, or something like that, that has much more of a narrow focus, right, you're essentially a point solution, right. And it's a deep category that has a lot of tenured analysts in it. But maybe there's only five or six analysts that are really going to move the needle in terms of your analyst relations program, and what kind of earned side assets you're going to get out of that program. If that's the case, then you're going to take different approaches to it. If you're a Sprinklr more on our side of the fence, you're going to need to dedicate some time to looking for somebody that's like me has a background similar to me. And it's not a cheap investment, and you're investing in a program and you're going to have to like, understand that with this type of investment comes, hey, we're going to find somebody that's capable and has deep level experience of doing this kind of thing. But also, that's just the beginning of the investment because what you're going to invest in the program is going to be a factor more four or five, six times more than that. But if you're somebody that operates in a point solution, and you haven't yet started to tap into the value that analyst relations brings you, I would actually probably advise that CEO to start with a firm, right? So there's lots of different analyst relations, consulting firms that are around for a fraction of the cost of bringing a Drew, can start to really turn the needle,

Well, your pizza budget alone is crazy. Like, I'm just going to put that out there. So it's really, really off the charts. So what would be an example of an analyst firm? 你有什么?

Drew Tambling
Yeah, there's one that I've, (I've actually looked into augmenting some of our capabilities with firms before) there's one that's called Spotlight. There's another one that's called like, ARInsight. There's one that's based in the UK that's quite big as well, I can't remember the name off the top of my head. Maybe we'll put it into the notes here in your podcast, but, um, for a fraction of the …
We don't have any notes. 没有注释。 It all happens here in real time. We don't edit it either. 所以 …

Drew Tambling
This is just going to be straight raw all the way.

Always raw. 是的。 Like I make publicly available.

Drew Tambling
Yeah, well, okay. 所以

It makes Randy happy. So, right, Randy? it's the mistakes that are fun. And sometimes I feel like Randy throws me just for the hell of it. Show Notes, and we do have show notes.

Drew Tambling
We will have show notes. So back on track. A firm like a Spotlight would be really good at sort of like the coordination of analyst activities that need to happen. And they'll also be pretty well equipped to coach your executive leadership team into discussions that need to happen. So they'll coordinate all that stuff, they'll manage the relationship, and then they'll coach your executive team, just to have those high-level briefings and inquiries that you need to do to establish relationships. Once you've done like established relationships, and you see the direction that the relationship is going in, you can then start more casually slowly looking for the right fit to manage a program. Getting started, you don't need to find a Drew, like there's other things that you can do.

That's great coaching.

Drew Tambling
And this is not my bid for Grad to replace Drew with an analyst.

Oh, and he slowly puts down the phone. No, no, that is actually that is good advice. Because part of the problem that all these startups are having is just finding people, it's become really challenging. And it's getting difficult to scale a lot of these things. And they're sort of sitting there waiting to find a whole bunch of very important roles that are difficult to hire and difficult to find. And it's tough. And I've seen more and more sort of agency-like models springing up in all sorts of different ways. And you know, actually, I'm a big fan of that model. I mean, when we built the Customer Experience Center at Microsoft, we scaled it by using JeffreyM. And we had a vendor-based model where they were called Orange Badges so they had access to Microsoft facilities, they had a Microsoft badge that was slightly different. The blue badges were full-time employees and orange badges were vendor employees, but they had kind of full access. And you could work with them as like they were internal employees, but you also had the flexibility to manage them like a vendor. And so that model worked. It took us a while to get to that. We failed two solid, resounding times before that. But once we got that model, and the JeffreyM folks are amazing, too. So that that just sort of worked. But I think that model in these spaces, I always, whenever I am kind of advising, I'm always saying, look for that to scale right now. Because you might need to scale back or you might need to scale up super-fast. And in both cases, it's really hard to do it with a full-time employee perspective. 那太棒了。 So, Drew, this has been awesome. I appreciate the time. This has been really fantastic. What else would you give our theoretical CEO as advice? Or what advice would you give people generally who are thinking about analyst relations, this is kind of a chance for you to kind of put a button on all this, like, the one thing you should make sure you do is you know, never open the hood at 60 miles an hour or something like that. 对。 So what's the thing that you would say? The kind of thing you'd really focus on, really think about? And then we'll wrap, if that's enough,

Drew Tambling
唔。 是的。 Uh, so analyst relations as a practice isn't going anywhere. Firms like Gartners and Forresters are only continuing to grow. There was a time eight years ago, ten years ago when I started at Gartner that our share price was trading at $13 a share. Gartner trades at $350 a share today. The company has grown so big and their whole growth strategy is based on acquisition. If you look at adjacent functions within the marketing organization like customer review sites and competitive intelligence, Gartner is acquiring the G2 Crowds and TrustRadiuses.

So they have a Peer Insights now, right. That's the Gartner …

Drew Tambling
是的,是的。 … in a natural extension. Yeah, I'm going to say it here. In the next three to five years, either a TrustRadius or a G2 Crowd will be acquired by Gartner. That's how they grow. 他们就是这样做的。

We're Forrester for them or a Constellation?

Drew Tambling
We're Forrester for them … or a Constellation, sure. 可以是以上任何一种。 There's a hundred other little firms out there. So the discipline of analyst relations as a career path is going to continue to stay in place, it's going to continue to grow. And some of the capabilities that you need to be able to do that job effectively, are going to grow, and it's going to grow into some competitive intelligence, it's going to grow into some customer engagement functions. So I don't think it's going anywhere. And if there's anything, people that are thinking of breaking in, I think the best way to break in is kind of the path that I took. There's great opportunities that firms that are analyst firms to get into and understand how that machine works, right, there's been nothing that's been more effective for me in my career, than understanding how the levers inside of those systems are pulled, and what they mean when they are pulled. Because on my side, now, I'm able to effectively use those tools to drive influence. And I think that that's probably been the biggest asset of my careers, you know, being able to take that experience and parlay it into a role where I'm actually helping a company grow.

Wow, that is a great, that is a great summary, great button on this, I really appreciate that. And Drew, I'm just going to say one more time, I really appreciate you. You have done an extraordinary job for Sprinklr. Really, I mean, I didn't find you. And I guess I sort of signed the offer papers and stuff like that, but it was Michaud that really brought you in, which is like Paul did a great job there. But man, it's just been amazing. I really valued and really enjoyed working with you. And our relationship has been fantastic. And just seeing you continuously up your game, as we've continued to kind of expand the number of categories that we're in, like it really is a monster program now and it didn't start out that way. So you're just doing an incredible job. So thank you very, very much. All right, well, I'm going to wrap now if you don't mind. And do you have anything else to add or do you have any kind of like, you know, website address or link or anything?

Drew Tambling
No, no, thanks so much for having me. This has been super fun. I'd like to come again, please have me again sometime.

You're welcome anytime. All right, for the Unified CXM Experience, I'm Grad Conn, Chief Experience Officer at Sprinklr and today we were interviewing Drew Tambling, who's the Director of
Analyst Relations and Influencer Relations at Sprinklr. Drew gave us his insight on how you can use analyst relations to leverage the marketing motions of the zero moment of truth and we're going to talk about reviews pretty soon in the next zero moment of truth piece, and we'll be obviously digging into the other pillars. So that's it for today, and I'll see you … next time.