JavaScript 方法等等。 第 9 部分 JavaScript 課程從初學者到高級,共 10 篇博文
已發表: 2021-11-09這是 JavaScript 博客文章系列的第 9 部分,它將帶您從初學者到高級。 這次我們將探討以下主題:JavaScript 方法、默認參數值、JavaScript 中的 Date 對象和箭頭函數。 在本系列結束時,您將了解開始使用 JavaScript 編碼所需的所有基礎知識。 如果您還沒有閱讀上一篇關於 JavaScript 對象的博客文章,您可以在此處閱讀。 事不宜遲,讓我們開始第九個教程。
JavaScript 方法等 - 目錄:
- 默認參數值
- JavaScript 中的 Date 對象
- 地圖()方法
- Filter() 方法
- 箭頭函數
到目前為止,我們已經在 JavaScript 中看到了許多概念和主題,但仍有一些常用的我們沒有發現。 在本教程中,我們將了解它們的全部內容。 第一個是 JavaScript 中的默認參數值。
函數在編程中非常普遍,當使用某些東西時,通常不僅有像 React 這樣的框架利用 JavaScript 函數,而且還開發了進一步的優化,甚至可以從 JavaScript 函數中獲得更多。 我們在函數中擁有的主要功能之一稱為默認參數值。 默認參數允許我們編寫更安全的代碼,可以對用戶輸入做出安全的假設。 這也為用戶提供了一個默認設置,使他們更容易從他們的選項中進行選擇,從而使用戶受益。 讓我們看一些例子。
// assume you are developing a website for a coffee shop // and most people want to get a medium size americano // knowing this you want to make it easir for people to // order their coffee with less hustle function orderCoffee(typeOfCoffee="americano", sizeOfCoffee="medium", numberOfCoffee=1){ return (numberOfCoffee + " " + sizeOfCoffee + " size " + typeOfCoffee + " is being prepared. "); } console.log("Default order:"); console.log(orderCoffee()); // this way, when an average customer orders online, // it will be much easier for them to order their daily coffee // so much so that they will be able to order it with a single button // alternatively people can also customize their coffee // by changing the inputs console.log("Custom order:"); console.log(orderCoffee("latte", "large", 2)); console.log("Another custom order:"); console.log(orderCoffee("macchiato", "small", 1)); // it is also possible to change only part of the inputs // and leverage the default parameters // for the rest of the input fields console.log("Partially customized order:"); console.log(orderCoffee("iced coffee"));
JavaScript 中的 Date 對象
JavaScript 中的 Date 對象非常常用,尤其是在 Web 開發中。 我們可以使用 Date 對象來執行時間敏感的功能,例如將顯示設置更改為暗模式、亮模式或用戶可能喜歡的任何其他模式。 我們還可以在我們正在處理的項目中根據需要使用日期信息。 以下是 Date 對象的一些示例:
// the first step is to create a date object instance // we cna do this by writing the following and // setting it to a variable or constant of our choice let today = new Date(); console.log("We are at year: " + today.getFullYear()); console.log("We can also get month in number:"); console.log(today.getMonth()); console.log("Also we can get the hour of the day like this:"); console.log(today.getHours()); console.log("We can also get the exact minutes along with the seconds"); console.log(today.getMinutes()); console.log(today.getSeconds()); // once we have these numbers we can use them as we like // if we want we can display them or make decisions based on them. // if we want to display month with a name // rather than a number, we can also achieve that // with the following const months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; console.log("We are at the month of " + months[today.getMonth()]); // what we just did was to create an array to store month names // and then choose the correct month using an index value // provided by the .getMonth() method. // if we wanted to turn on dark mode after 8 pm, // we could do that with the following code // one of the first thing we should remember is that // hours are given in the 24 hour format // that means 8pm will mean 20 as hours // we can also use a short hand way // and combine the new date object creation // with the get hours method let timeOfDay = new Date().getHours(); if (timeOfDay >= 20) { console.log("Turning on Dark Mode..."); } else { console.log("Do not turn on the Dark Mode"); } // since current time is over 8pm, // in this case we expect to get turn on Dark Mode. // which is also the reuslt we get as we can see from // the console output.
map 方法是一種非常有用的方法,它可以為您節省許多代碼行,並且根據您的使用方式,它可以使您的代碼更加簡潔。 當您使用 for 循環遍歷數組時,它基本上取代了使用 for 循環。 以下是 map() 方法的一些示例。
// lets create an array we will use for mapping let someNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // lets also create the functions we will // provide to the map method function doubleNums(num1){ return num1 * 2; } function squareNums(num1){ return num1 * num1; } function add100(num1){ return num1 + 100; } console.log("Doubled numbers array:"); console.log(; console.log("Squared numbers array:"); console.log(; console.log("100 added to each of the element in the umbers array:"); console.log(; // map() method will loop over each of the // items in a given array and apply the // provided function // note that we do not include paranthesis // after the function names, this would call the function // instead we pass the function name, // and map() method calls them when it needs to
Filter() 方法
filter() 方法和 map() 方法都是非常常見的 JavaScript 方法。 它們與我們剛剛看到的 map() 方法非常相似。 使用 map() 方法,我們可以傳入任何函數,並且該函數被應用於數組中的每個元素。 使用 filter() 方法,我們將傳入一個過濾條件,該過濾器方法將遍歷數組中的所有項目,它會返回一個新數組,其中僅保留通過條件的項目。 讓我們看一些例子:
// lets first create an array // to apply the filter() method let someNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]; function checkEven(num1){ if (num1 % 2 == 0){ return num1; } } function checkOdd(num1){ if (num1 % 2 == 1){ return num1; } } function over13(num1){ if (num1 > 13){ return num1; } } function divisibleByFive(num){ if (num % 5 == 0){ return num; } } console.log("Even numbers from the list:"); console.log(someNumbers.filter(checkEven)); console.log("Odd numbers from the list:"); console.log(someNumbers.filter(checkOdd)); console.log("Numbers over 13 from the array:"); console.log(someNumbers.filter(over13)); console.log("Numbers divisible by 5 from the array:"); console.log(someNumbers.filter(divisibleByFive));運行上面的代碼將為我們提供以下控制台日誌:
還記得我們說過函數在 JavaScript 中非常常見,並且對它們進行了許多優化,甚至可以獲得更高性能或更簡潔的代碼嗎? 好吧,箭頭函數就是其中之一。 箭頭函數有時也稱為胖箭頭。 它們本質上提供了一種更短的方法來編寫你的函數。 它們也非常常用於我們剛剛看到的 JavaScript 方法。 讓我們用一些例子來看看它們:
// JavaScript provides multiple levels of // code shortening with arrow functions depending on your exact code // Essantially the longest way we can write a function is // the way we always write them without using the arrow functions // lets start with an array to apply the arrow functions let someNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]; console.log("Original Array:"); console.log(someNumbers); // in the previous examples we have applied many functions // after creating them as regular named functions // In this example we will apply the exact transformations // so that you can see the both extremes in code lenght // double every number in the array: console.log("Double every number in the array:") console.log( => num * 2)); // square every number in the array: console.log("Square every number in the array:") console.log( => num * num)); // add 100 to every number in the array: console.log("Add 100 to every number in the array:") console.log( => num + 100)); // Only keep the even numbers in the array: console.log("Only keep the even numbers in the array:") console.log(someNumbers.filter(num => num % 2 == 0)); // Only keep the odd numbers in the array: console.log("Only keep the odd numbers in the array:") console.log(someNumbers.filter(num => num % 2 == 1)); // Only keep the numbers that are evenly divisible by 5: console.log("Only keep the numbers that are evenly divisible by 5:") console.log(someNumbers.filter(num => num % 5 == 0)); // Only keep the numbers that are over 13: console.log("Only keep the numbers that are over 13:") console.log(someNumbers.filter(num => num > 13));
10 篇博文中從初級到高級的 JavaScript 課程:
- 如何開始用 JavaScript 編碼?
- JavaScript 基礎
- JavaScript 中的變量和不同的數據類型
- 片段和控制結構
- While 循環和 for 循環
- Java 數組
- JavaScript 函數
- JavaScript 對象
- JavaScript 方法等
- JavaScript 課程總結