實踐中的 Python 應用程序。 第 11 部分 Python 課程從初學者到高級,共 11 篇博文
已發表: 2022-01-27在這篇文章中,將幫助讀者利用之前所有博客中的知識來製作一個迷你項目。 您將在實踐中發現 Python 應用程序。 我們將使用 Visual Studio Code 作為我們的代碼編輯器。 如果您還沒有安裝 Visual Studio Code,說明在第一篇博客中給出。
實踐中的 Python 應用程序——創建一個猜數字遊戲
學習如何使用函數以及我們在之前的博客中學到的大多數其他東西,這個迷你項目將是令人興奮的。 這個迷你項目遊戲會生成一個從 1 到 1000 的隨機數,或者如果你想讓它更容易,你可以減小範圍,玩遊戲的用戶必須猜出這個數字。 聽起來很令人興奮,不是嗎? 更令人興奮的是,如果用戶猜錯了數字,我們可以給用戶一些提示,以便他們正確猜出數字。
讓我們在實踐中使用 Python 應用程序為遊戲繪製藍圖。
在 intro 命令行中,我們將要求用戶猜測一個數字。 我們會問他的名字和年齡。 然後我們會問他是否想玩這個遊戲。 讓我們在代碼中執行此操作。
# Intro Panel Command line print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") print(f"Hello {name}")
Output: Welcome to the guessnum Hello john
可以看出,我們首先向用戶介紹了我們的遊戲,然後我們詢問了用戶的姓名。 我們使用保存的名稱向他們打招呼。 現在讓我們詢問用戶的年齡。
# Intro Panel Command line print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") age=int(input(f"Hello {name}, what is your age?")) print(f"Hello {name}")
Output: Welcome to the guessnum Hello john
在這裡,我們看到了 fstring,這是格式的替代方法,如果我們在 f 後跟一個字符串,我們可以直接在“{}”中使用我們存儲的變量。
現在我們可以看到大部分介紹面板。 現在讓我們問用戶他是否想玩遊戲,如果他想玩遊戲,讓他猜一個數字,我們可以說它是否正確。 但在讓用戶猜數字之前,我們必須準備好程序的數字。 讓我們看看它是如何在代碼中完成的。
# Intro Panel Command line print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") age=int(input(f"Hello {name}, what is your age?")) choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to play the game? y/n") if choice=="y": pass else: print("exiting") exit
現在我們正在製作另一個提示,詢問用戶他是否想玩遊戲,如果他說是,我們將使用我們在以前的博客中學到的條件繼續,如果不是,則退出遊戲。 現在讓我們繼續擴展我們的遊戲並向用戶詢問數字,但在此之前讓我們的代碼選擇一個隨機數。
# Intro Panel Command line import random print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") age=int(input(f"Hello {name}, what is your age?")) choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to play the game? y/n") if choice=="y": number=int(random.randint(1,5)) guess=int(input("Please input your guess")) print(f"your guess is {guess}") else: print("exiting") exit
Output: Welcome to the guessnum your guess is 2
現在我們添加了一個名為 random 的導入,它從給定範圍中選擇一個隨機數。 函數是 random.randint(start,end)。 然後我們要求我們的用戶猜測這個數字,我們正在打印我們的用戶猜測。
# Intro Panel Command line import random print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") age=int(input(f"Hello {name}, what is your age?")) choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to play the game? y/n") if choice=="y": number=int(random.randint(1,5)) guess=int(input("Please input your guess")) print(f"your guess is {guess} and program's guess is {number}") else: print("exiting") exit
output: Welcome to the guessnum your guess is 2 and the program's guess is 5
所以,我們可以看到,我們已經快到一半了,我們有了程序的猜測和用戶的猜測。 現在我們可以比較並打印用戶是否正確。
# Intro Panel Command line import random print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") age=int(input(f"Hello {name}, what is your age?")) choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to play the game? y/n") if choice=="y": number=int(random.randint(1,5)) guess=int(input("Please input your guess")) if guess==number: print("you guessed it right!!!") print(f"your guess is {guess} and program's guess is {number}. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong") else: print("exiting") exit
output: Welcome to the guessnum your guess is 2 and the program's guess is 1. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong
如您所見,我猜錯了,也許您可以猜對。 通過添加分數因素,可以使這個遊戲變得更有趣。 現在讓我們為分數因子編寫代碼。
# Intro Panel Command line import random print("Welcome to the guessnum") name=input("what is your name?") age=int(input(f"Hello {name}, what is your age?")) choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to play the game? y/n") correct=0 while(choice=="y"): number=int(random.randint(1,5)) guess=int(input("Please input your guess")) if guess==number: print("you guessed it right!!!") correct+=1 choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to continue the game? y/n") print(f"your guess is {guess} and program's guess is {number}. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong") choice=input(f"Hello {name}, would you like to continue the game? y/n") else: print(f"your score is {correct}") print("exiting") exit
output: Welcome to the guessnum your guess is 1 and program's guess is 5. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 2 and program's guess is 3. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 3 and program's guess is 2. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 4 and program's guess is 3. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 1 and program's guess is 2. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 2 and program's guess is 5. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 3 and program's guess is 4. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 3 and program's guess is 2. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 3 and program's guess is 5. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 4 and program's guess is 2. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 3 and program's guess is 1. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 4 and program's guess is 5. Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your guess is 2 and program's guess is 2. you guessed it right!!! Sorry!!! your guess is wrong your score is 1 exiting
如您所見,我們使用了 while 循環,並使用了一個名為正確的新變量,它為我們提供了用戶的分數。 我們正在打印到輸出。
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